Here’s some of my work.
- Loads of copy and writing samples.
- A Wells Fargo Story.
- Travis❤️ Taylor video game I wrote and built.
- Ad for NAHB.
- Website rewrite for a SaaS company.
- Sanctuary in the Catskills.
- Wrote this event hype film for independent financial advisors.
- Magic.
- Website rewrite for a lobby.
- David and Greg Are in Jail.
- A how to 🎙️.
- Dog in a Pickup Truck.
- Turbo Time! Infographic.
- How to Make Bad Decisions.
- Legacy? Check.
- An Eliot Spitzer Story.
- Brooklyn Playground.
- Pizza Story.
- Divers save Bronx jumper.
- Basketball trivia game I built.
- Viral tweet.
- Another viral tweet.
- Beta I built for Zoom meetings.
- Movie trivia game I built.