“Maybe you should lamb chop it for a while.”
“Maybe you should lamb chop it for a while.”
Sam Shep. Fool for love. May he rest beside the cottonwoods, the dogwoods, apricots, willows, polars, locusts, crab apples, silver maples.
Cowboy mouth.
Those days are over, it seems. Buy a magazine, smear the pages on your dungarees.
New Expos affiliate.
From Robin Hood (1973).
Wolfgang Reitherman, the director.
All three of his sons provided voices for Disney characters, including Mowgli in The Jungle Book, Christopher Robin in Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, and Wart in The Sword in the Stone.
Made this from this. But with Jim McMahon’s glasses and Zoltar’s mouth.
the bottom cushion floats
if you care to take the time
to think about falling
for miles
to ocean
to melt.
When you are greeted by Hollywood’s puma. When you are walking with a full belly. When you feel the cold slap of the Santa Monica Mountains because the sun has already swam across the Pacific. Oozing from its black and yellow scan: melancholy.
And if you ever fall asleep again, you’ll feel it. It’ll feel like honey from a hive poured out a window on the 79th floor of a skyscraper.
This will change the way you think about procrastination.