
The pith of the orange actually contains just as much vitamin C as the entire fruit itself (juice included, of course). The organic compound — also known as ascorbic acid — is essential to the human body, as it allows for the production of a particular protein (collagen) that builds and repairs skin, blood vessels, tendons and ligaments.

“Don’t get it in ya & you’ll get scurvy,” said Pal.

“What happens to ya when ya get scurvy, Pal?” asked the clown with no name.

“Pirates, no? Guessing it had something to do with keeping legs? Not sure. Agagagagag.”



“Says here that scurvy will make ya tired, weak, make your arms feel bad. Less red blood cells. Hair problems. No healing.”


Blue Ghost

Lava pool on the cover. Remember? There’s a line on that Red Hot Chili Peppers’ album Californication that goes “Farley is an angel & I can prove this.”

If the divine is supposed to foster joy rather than suffering, and bridge the light fluffy clouds and pearly fencing with humanity, then maybe the late great Illinois man was a messenger of some kind. Which is biblically, on the money.

Pal said, growing up, he had as great an influence on him as any one person he can think of. He said he helped him developed a personality, and some semblance of charm through watching him on Saturday Night Live, and those movies.

I told him this GIF, which was once a Vine, was one of the only things I could salvage from the old JUST GRIN,BABY blog, after Blue Host flushed the whole damn thing down the toilet.

Justly, it possesses three weapons that can help you overcome most setbacks: comedy, coffee, and a brilliant rye green jacket.