Who knew? Francis won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor? He did in 1954.
Who knew? Francis won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor? He did in 1954.
In ageless deep, two bobbers we remain,
Our arms aloft to pluck the fruit high-hung.
The juice we squeeze, ’tis dry yet glows like fire,
In rosy hue of nuclear ire we’re clung.
Our trunks beclad in crystal’s gleaming crust,
The frothy surge wraps ’round us swift nay sweet
By tempests gallant, earnest prayers we make
In twilight’s hum, aglow with lightning’s touch.
With timid turns, ’til morrow we do tilt,
Our dance twixt mermaids, in revelation’s pool.
Caravaggio was nabbed a bunch of times for illegal weapons and talking crap to city guards. He also was named in a lawsuit for throwing a plate of artichokes in a waiter’s face.
Because that I familiarly sometimes
Do use you for my fool and chat with you,
Your sauciness will jest upon my love
And make a common of my serious hours.
When the sun shines let foolish gnats make sport,
But creep in crannies when he hides his beams.
If you will jest with me, know my aspect,
And fashion your demeanor to my looks,
Or I will beat this method in your sconce.
Jackie Robinson’s first game in the majors. April 15, 1947.
If anything, watch the intro to this thing.
A commercial made by Jim Henson in the 1960s for Frito-Lay’s “Munchos.”
A rendering, if you will. If you’re Greenland Group or Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited or The (Wharf) Holdings Limited or China Resources (Holdings) Company Limited or The Durst Organization, give us a call.
Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming, The clouds me thought would open, and show riches Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked I cried to dream again.
Our new mascot. You’ll see.